Thank goodness this weekend was a three day weekend! Otherwise, we would have had to deal with student's first day back way too soon! Actually, I'm still not
completely sure that I'm ready for them to come back even after today's first full day with students. I'm not ready to talk about all the fun stuff that goes along with school starting, so let's just focus on the happenings from the weekend..........
It all began on Friday, which should have been a 1/2 day for teachers and staff, but we all know that whether they are being paid or not, teachers will stay at school until the wee hours of the night the Friday before students arrive to get their rooms prepared and everything perfect for the first day. And so it goes without saying that I was requested for meetings Friday afternoon after the official end of the day. The whole day was going by in a sort of fog and I had that feeling like I really should just go home and go to bed before something drastic happens. Lesson learned - ALWAYS listen to that feeling!!! Read on. By the time I got home, a raging migraine had begun to invade my body and tear all of it's senses to ripping shreds. Poor Honey was looking forward to a sweet little date night out and instead he got a pre-PMSing (started that on Sunday), crying, partially dieing, miserable migraine to somehow share his dinner with (hopefully without it returning to the table unexpectedly) and share the couch with while watching rented movies over the snoring and moaning. Needless to say, neither of us really enjoyed our Friday night date night. Throughout the night was rough as well, with me only getting 1 to 2 hours of sleep at a time before waking up to the monster clawing his way out of my skull and pulling with him the gremlin living within my stomach. This experience was proving to me that the fabulous meds that my loving doctor prescribed were obviously NOT working. Much stronger drugs were going to be needed if I was ever going to survive this one. So at 7:30 Saturday morning, I drug myself from bed to beg Honey to take me to the Hospital for the "real stuff." The kind nurses (a total of 4) all tried their hand at inserting an IV with no such luck as I laid there helpless and with my brain cells exploding by the minute. Finally someone came by with the magical pills - or so they called them magical, even though after two magical pills, finally an IV of the even better stuff, and several hours of in and out of consciousness, the headache was still there. However, I decided I was in a much better situation now being that I was sooooooo beyond cloud 9 at that point that I really didn't care that I had a headache and all I wanted to do was to go home and sleep it off. So goes my Saturday.

On Sunday, my dear friend Ruth had arranged for us to take a little field trip to a
LYS (actually located on the other end of DC) that her friend has opened. With still a slight
ringing in my head, off we went. We enjoyed a wonderfully delicious lunch at
Franklin's and then spent a little time browsing the
adjacent shop for fun tidbits to add to our Knit1Tea2 swap partners. What a great store! Since Honey had taken off that morning to go help build the house, I couldn't help but by him some gummy bacon to reward him for a good hard day's work (and to thank him for getting up so early and being so patient with me while I screamed in pain at the nice needle ladies poking and prodding my arms, hands, and wrists the day before). We then spent many an hour browsing the lovely shelves of
The Tangled Skein. Have I mentioned my compulsion to touch fabrics and yarns? But then again who wouldn't with all that
fabulouso color happening all around you? So what won my heart over this time?

Ruth and I both decided on making this great little casual bag on the cover of my Knit book. So we picked out some great
Noro Silk Garden, mine in colorway #239. I'm thinking the colors are a nice relaxed fall colorway. It's got it's browns, autumn reds, and muted blues. I can't wait to see how it comes out.
Some more Tofutsies! The one on the left is mine and I'm already thinking of the pattern they will be perfect for. The one of the right is for Sarah, a gal from WW who also knits. It's going to be her reward for making a short term WW goal. I'm going to woo her through her first pair of socks.... scary thought, I know.
And last, but not least, this ultra adorable pattern for some fabulous felted bags that I'm thinking I'll felt up as some Christmas gifts. Dontcha just love the flowers and how they vine up the strap?! Sunday was a good day even if the shadow of the beast was still hanging around.
On to
FO Monday. Oh no, not Freaking Out because it's Monday, no work remember? No, I'm talking FINISHED OBJECT MONDAY!!! How much fun were these socks?! And how great do they look on me?!

Maybe it's just me, but my feet rock! Have you ever seen such great looking feet?! I'll await the calls from my agent for those foot model calls. Thanks again Stacey for sharing your love of purple. The Virtuous Vixens of Violetville will have to pry these babies from these tootsies!
Over all the weekend started off as a real bust, but success was able to be pulled off in the end. (We just won't mention that I was planning on working on the seaming for Isabella and never got around to it. Don't spoil my moment will ya.)
OMG! What a hellous weekend! I SO hope you are feeling better!
And you know I LOVE me some Silk Garden! Nice!!! One of my squares in in the colorway! :op Haha! Those colors are indeed perfect for the fall!
Oh! How nice of you to teach her to knit socks.
We so should do a Noni mini KAL I still have mine on the needles from last spring!!! :op
@ Virtuous Vixens of Violetville - I LOVE IT!!!!! :oD
Your Purple Passionate Socks look fabulous!!
MMmh forget about seaming you had a helluva weekend!
Get some more rest!
I can't wait to get my yarn :o) I think it might just be tomorrow!!!!! I can't wait to knit me up some great socks. And to take you to Stitch DC in my new neighborhood! :o)
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