Friday, November 7, 2008

thievery in the neighborhood

I received this message in my inbox the other day. Just one more reason why I need to invest in a bb gun. Have I mentioned how much I hate these things???


Thank God you have neighbors like Tom and me, who are always on alert for other people’s business. Your front yard seasonal display was robbed today, and I got pictures of the thief. (So cute!)

Just thought you ought to know. I’ll be on alert just in case other crimes transpire.

Love, Kay

Attached to the email were these photos:
That little *%^#!@ stole one of the corn cobs from the corn stalks that daddy dearest put in the front yard during their last visit here!
day 7: check


Grace said...

I can sympathize I had to take the bird feeder down or risk having the monsters in the house, the squirrels got so agressive trying to get the seed, the birds are still mad at me

Bubblesknits said...

ROTFL!!! They're determined little buggers.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

OMG!! I love it! Those are some great neighbors!!

KSee said...

I have lived her since 1990 and while we have a wildlife reserse across the street and many trees I have only had two squirrels. This one is small and just bounces around the trees enought to keep the cats on alert. He is doing no harm so I let him be.

kathy b said...

Oh how funny your neighbors are! Those little critters are determined aren't they?

Anonymous said...

LOL I know that stinks, but it's also very funny and cute. The squirrels around here are all about taunting Cleo right now - you'd think it really is like they're sticking their little tongues out at her haha

SissySees said...

Sissy would like to come visit and help you with your problem. Gretchen will probably be even better at catching the critters when she's a little bigger...