Tuesday, July 10, 2007

button question

Ok... so I've been a little swamped with this UVA class. They are condensing an entire semester into three little weeks. Which means 300+ pages each night to read and practicum assignments just about every other day that include finding a child to "assess" and then write about it. Since I don't have children and neither do most of my friends, and most of the kids that I taught are on vacation or summer camp right now, this is not an easy task. I shouldn't complain too much. It's not that terrible... kind of interested actually. Just not a whole lot of time left over for knitting and blogging. But anyway, I wish I could post a photo of what I'm working on now.... but it's for my swap partner and I don't want to spoil anything. But I'm happy to report that I'm more than 50% done, Wa-hoo! I can't believe how fast it's going, especially since I don't feel like I'm devoting enough time to it. (or I'd rather be knitting than reading textbooks) Unfortunately, I don't have a lot to report on at the moment.

Actually though, I have a little question to throw out there. I'm trying to add a button to link to the KAL that I joined (also run my my swap buddy, Maddie) but I can't seem to figure it out. Anyone know how to help me out?


Virtuous said...

To add the button to your site you will need to copy the picture to your hardrive, then in Blogger enter the following code where you want it to go. Make sure you replace all the * with < and replace THE LOCATION OF YOUR PICTURE with your picture location:

*div style="padding-bottom: 10px">*center>
*a href="http://ebonyelite.blogspot.com/">*img border="0" alt="Ebony Elite" src="THE LOCATION OF YOUR PICTURE"/>*/a>*/center>*/div>

THE LOCATION OF YOUR PICTURE is either the Blogger URL address that you get once you upload the picture or if you use a site like Flickr or Photobucket it will be the IMG code.

Anonymous said...

Also, make sure you change the part that is after the *a href* part inside the "quotes" with http://knittyk-a-l.blogspot.com and change where it says Ebony Elite to Knitty KAL or something like it! Sorry if that's too beginner and you already knew that part, but I figured I'd make sure you were aware =) Glad to hear you're almost ready to get that swap together! I was thinking Barnes & Noble in Clarendon. I'm ready whenever you have a spare moment from classes to get together! yay =)