Tussie Mussie - Love the cute little detail on the sleeve and the way it it buttons up with the neckline laying open. Very casual sexy.
Roam - Totally ready for fall! Have I mentioned how much I'm such a fall baby? This is right up my style alley. But I'm thinking the sizing and seaming on this one is still a little out of my league at the moment. But a gal can wish and dream, right? Something to aspire to.
Cherie Amour - A must have at the top of my list! How sexy and flirtatous! La-ove it!!!
Mr. Greenjeans - What a great casual look for the weekend or comfey work days. And at first glance it would appear that no seaming is necessary! Double bonus!!
Totally Autumn - I've been looking for a great little throw pattern and this has a great interesting pattern that shouldn't bore me with all the repeats to actually finish the project.
Woodins - Alright, so I don't know why I would make this. But I couldn't resist including it. Can I just say adorable.
Flower Power - His face says it all!
Yeah I saw the fall knitty a couple of days ago and the only thing I would possibly knit would be the Mr. Greenjeans. I wasn't too excited about this eppy.
They did have some slammin' socks in this issue!! But those are out of my league right now! LOL
I am surprised you didn't like those!
Roam is SO you!! But can't wait to see you do Cherie Amour :o)
How about I already saw someone knitted up the little woodlins already!!
Have fun yarn shopping!!
I wanna do Mr. Greenjeans too! What yarn are you considering?
Cherie Amour is tops on my list too, and it is nominated for the Sexy Knitters Club KAL. There are so many great patterns it will be hard to pick on with which to begin. That is part of the fun though. I have some reading, laundry, baking, knitting, and course-work to complete this weekend (yes, your secret knitty friend has to go improve her mind as well as her knitting skills ;~)
Have a great weekend!
I love those patterns, and I have now added the Totally Autumn throw to MY queue, thanks to you!!
I was so surprised, I went to Knitty to look for something in the archives and it happened to be the day it came out...SUCH LOVELIES!!!
Oh, Wendy, I quickly got my 3 PIF angels and they have already filled up and I'm having to refer people to others long the line...along the Pay it Forward "Tree" as it were! Isn't this OUTSTANDING?!
Hey Girl! I wanted to pop in and let you know that one of my PIF angels, Coleen (she needs people, hop over to her blog & sign up if interested!) and I have come up with a button...she did the artwork and I played with Photoshop & have over 20 sizes for all needs for everyone, so, GRAB A BUTTON right here (remember, use your own server, please!)...spread the word!
Giant PIF hugs!
Hey! I've been busy thinking of what I'm going to make for my PIF angels, too! Oh my, a colorway request?! I love everything! Well, I'm not fond of very BRIGHT colors unless it's socks...socks are for such things, but other than that...I'm easy! Not very helpful, eh?! I am quite EXCITED to have read that you have been thinking of what you are going to make for me!!!!! Isn't this fun?!
hey! I don't remember if you are on Ravelry, lol, i've talked to so many people the last couple of days, please forgive me! But, a "Pay it Forward" group has been started on there if you wanna check it out!
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