Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's happinin' hot stuff?

While I have nothing to share with you here tonight, I assure you that there has been reading, lots of reading, during this past week of silence and some actual knitting happening tonight. I have several great books that I want to share with all of you out there but quite frankly at the moment I'm too tired to do poetic justice to them. Hopefully sometime this week I'll have a moment or two to share some of those with you.

Work has been invigorating but busy. I haven't been getting home until late and I've been too tired to pick up a set of needles. How sad is that?! Even with a book in hand, there were many a night a page was lost due to falling asleep.

The effects of the whooping cough is finally going away. A burning fiery sensation still remains in my lungs and an annoying occasional cough. But otherwise I'm on my way back to healing and breathing again. I tribute most of that to the fact that I spent many an hour this past weekend sleeping. A nice warm blankie and a running humidifier in a dark dark room does wonders for an ailing body. If only there were a few extra days in the weekend.

And a little shout out to my fellow House lovers out there... OH MY GAWD!!! TINGLES!!! GASP!!! I can't wait for two more weeks!!!


SissySees said...

Lalalalala... Picture me with both hands over my ears... I had a meeting last night and missed it. I checked the website, and the "current" episode isn't available for on-line viewing for 8 days... I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but then again, I'd love to know...

Grace said...

I didn't realize you were sick, I have had whooping cough several times, its no picnic, I hope you continue to feel better!!!

Reckless Glue said...

oooh extra long fetchings...I love that idea!