First off, I'm back to work. Nuff said. The life of a teacher is torcher during certain times of the year. The beginning of a new school year marks the start of all sorts of craziness. Being that I'm not in the classroom any more and now work more with teachers than with children, I get the benefit of going back to work two weeks before teachers do so that Central Office and the administrators that I work with can watch me jump through a wide range of hoops they call a warm up before the real game.
The runner up would be the house guests we've had for the past week. Mikey and I grew up only 3 months apart, and as close as brother and sister, for most of our childhood. We now live two states apart. So when he mentioned that his wife would be attending a conference in DC and he would be tagging along and asked if they could just stay with us rather than shelling out big bucks on a fancy-schmancy hotel, I said "Welcome to Chez Wen-dae! Where the drinks are free and the sheets are clean ... as long as you remember to praise the hostess and tell her how wonderful she is." It's been nice having them here, but exhausting worrying about if they have everything they need and making sure they get where they need to be on time and if I am giving them enough attention with all this crap going down at work. But of course, they are welcome in our home anytime.
Lucky Numero Tres: FO!!! You heard it (or read it)! I finally finished seaming the baby sweater! Now I just have to get a hold of the mother-to-be (or maybe mother-all-ready, don't know) and hand it off. The pattern is from the cover of a Debbie Bliss book for quick knits for little ones. I can't remember the name of the book nor the pattern title and I'm too tired (lazy) to get up to check right now. I used the new cotton line (reissued?) from Lion Brand thinking it would do well with lots of washing. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. Now just hopefully it will fit the unknown child.
Hunky reason #4 - Honey's birthday. From here on out I will refer to my 8 year long boyfriend as "Honey." I keep reading other people's blogs and they have all these great little nicknames for their loved ones when they write about them and I've been trying to think up a goody one for Dave. Due to the brain burps I'm having over reasons 1-8 nothing cool and unique is coming to mind. Since I call him Honey when I really want something, Honey it is. So, Honey's 34th b-day was yesterday. We planned on going out to dinner and then to a movie (as mentioned in yesterday's blog - which since I had time to blog yesterday that should tip you off that something didn't work out as planned). Dave, oops, Honey was late coming home from work and I had a little extra time to shout out to the world about my perfect purple socks, which by the way I left my knitting group early to come home for the occasion. When he finally did arrive he needed some time to melt into his place on the couch and wind down before going out. We had an extremely wonderful and delicious dinner at Ted's Montana Grill.... love that place!!! But we were too tired to go out for a late night movie... maybe next week... extended b-day celebration. So we came home and he spent the rest of his birthday evening cruising the Internet looking to buy a used motorcycle. I love him, but a motorcycle??? I guess this is what the start of the mid-life crisis looks like.
Ok, now I'm really tired and can hear the pillow calling me..... but there's still some work to be done tonight and the final touches of preparing for mom's surprise 50th this weekend.... oh, but dinner is here, yum!
Oooooo house guests for a WEEK!? yikes! you're a great hostess! :) Happy Birthday Honey!
p.s. the sweater looks great! Love that color.
LOL @ drinks are free and the sheets are clean! :oD
The baby "Ballerina Top" looks great! (I looked it up for you since I had the book right next to me! Haha!)
I will have to definitely remember Cotton Ease for this!
Happy Belated Birhtday Honey!! :op
I can understand not being able to find time to update your blog. (I'm your tea-knit pal, btw.) It looks as if I missed your birthday, I hope it was a good day of celebration, but I hope it is a year of fun, family, friends, and FRIDAYS!
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