Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Look What's Cookin' in Wendy's Knitchen

One of my goals for this summer was to experiment with dying yarn. Ages ago I ordered some KnitPicks Bare yarn in two different weights. Today I was moved to play with the sock yarn. I've been reading several blogs who have been knookin' in the knitchens and it was about time I joined the party. Armed with this web site for guidance I set forth to create a culinary masterpiece.

First I 'blanched' the Bare yarn in a large 'pot'. My goodness does wet wool smell bad! While all that yardage (2 skeins) moisturized itself, I took off to the store to make a few purchases. I came home baring distilled white vinegar and LOTS of kool aid.

I set to prepping the 'sauces' - grape marsala, black cherry wine, cherry marinara, and orange alfredo. Ingredients = 1/2 cup vinegar and 4 packets of each flavor.

Next it was time to 'marinate' the yarn. I carefully drizzled the concentrated 'sauces' over portions of the yarn. In one 'pot' the grape marsala and black cherry wine and in the other the cherry marinara and orange alfredo. I know that these don't sound like complementary flavors, but trust me on this one. Adding in a thinning agent (water) and they were set to 'simmer' on medium heat for a few hours.

Checking in with today's 'dishes' it was apparent that they were missing some 'seasonings' so it was back to the pantry for additional 'spices'.

A little while longer on 'simmer' and it was time to move them on over to the convention oven for several hours.

What's knookin' in your knitchen this summer?


Scrabblequeen said...

I bought some bare, too, but haven't dyed it yet. Are you happy with your recipe? Anything I should know?

Ally Jay said...

Haven't tried dying myself but your efforts look pretty good. Love the purply one. I wonder whether wet wool smells as bad as wet dog?

AshAsh said...

I am LOVING that orang-y color! And the cabernet color is looking good as well. Are you stained these colors as well?

SissySees said...

Must be something in the water up there. Another friend of mine is trying her hand at dyeing too... Looks great!